Monday, February 6, 2012

He's My Baby & I'm His Hunny.

It has taken almost 7 years but Mike has finally learned to appreciate and embrace Halloween, (I freaking love it). The transition of “Halloween is stupid” to “Halloween is awesome” happen about 5 years ago when Mike’s figured out he could use the excuse of Halloween to walk around in a baby blue tux and white boat shows singing “Desiree”.  It turns out Mike has a secret fascination with Neil Diamond.
Now what started out and was supposed to be a once a year transformation slowly began to occur more frequently. Slowly and usually well timed Neil began to show up on birthday’s, Valentines day and occasionally after a few to many beers. Eventually an intervention had to occur and after many years of postponing the inevitable, the baby blue suit and shoes had to go back to its rightful owner.
Halloween 2010 – Didn’t go out instead went to Vietnam a little Neil Diamond was hummed on the plane but no baby blue suite.  Progress.  
Halloween 2011 - Mike announced that he had come up with a new costume idea that wouldn’t result in him telling me how “on the third of June how he had become a man”,
Needless to say I was more then happy for him to go shopping for his new costume in fact so happy that I didn’t even bother to put to much time prying into what the surprised costume would be.  Didn’t care MIKE WAS OVER NEIL DIAMOND.
$40 dollars and 3 hours later Mike came home with this

A giant henna tattoo of a skull.
The conversation and scene went like this:
Mike – (walks through the door while I’m in the bedroom giggling like a 6-year pre adolescent child).
Risha - (In the bedroom)Why are you laughing like a pre adolescent child? Which makes me think that you have done something that I’m going to find irritating.
Mike – Don’t worry its fine hunny
Risha - (now walking out of the bedroom)  Why is one of your sleeves rolled ……. (pause) seriously.
Mike – And check out this awesome belt buckle and hat (followed by adolescent giggling)
Risha – Seriously
Mike – I’m going to go sit by the pool and show off my awesome tat.
Risha – How long is it going to last
Mike – 3 weeks
Risha – Awesome.

So when you can’t beat them sometimes you just have to join them and so the transformation of John and Iris.......

Note: Other then with our expat friends, these outfits were 100% lost in translation.
Oh and if you don’t know who John and Iris are have a listen.

 And for fun, a couple of photos of our other other friends. 

I watched this man win a push up contest that evening...
Yes he did wear this to the bar

Bringing back the 90's

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