Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Austalia" and the kick off to 2012

When you ask Mike and I what we miss most about Canada it always the same response.  Our niece.
Best buds.  Mike could do no wrong in Teaghan's eyes
So when we found out that she would be taking a “big plane” and spending Christmas in “Austalia” we booked our tickets the next day (bonus that her mom and dad were going to be there too).
After a day spent running around looking for sand toys (mental note don’t make promises to 2 year unless you are planning on keeping them).  We boarded the plane and followed our noses to Perth with the plans to head down and spend a week in Margaret River.
I like everything to do with Margaret River.
Red Gate Beach - 5 minute drive from where we were staying
It is a quaint little town in the Southwest of Western Australia about a 3 hour drive south from Perth with a population of around 5000 people, there are no streetlights and it’s one of those everybody knows your name kind of places. Also known for its great wines (this is red wine country) and surf breaks. 
 The people are so friendly that when you are the dumb ass who somehow didn’t put enough sun screen on her back (I blame Mike) and it’s the color of a boiled lobster the locals take the time to stop you in the street to give you a lesson on the ozone layer or lack thereof in Australia followed by their family’s remedy.
We rented a 3 bedroom and loft place just outside of town and our days usually started at about 6am when a certain 2 year old would come into our room quietly and stand by the bed waiting to see if Mike (aka Blackie the horse) was up yet. This was usually followed by a little beach, a little wine tasting and of course a little eating.
Petting Zoo
Our house in Margaret River.
Our pad was built around an old train car
Loft area
"Making Christmas! Making Christmas!"
Christmas story time
Added bonus to all this is was the lovely Miss (soon to be a Mrs.) Jennifer Oster, -another long time favorite individual of mine and part of the original “ladies”  - had recently decided to make Perth her home for a bit. Not only did she provide us with a bed to sleep in when we first arrived but she also came out and hung with us over Christmas.   
Stacy & Jen chilling with a glass of bubble and enjoying the local cheese.
Our trip to Margaret River also kicked off a 2 month long 5 trip jet setting tour of Asia, a double dose of guests coming to visit and for me an end of an era.
We got back from Margaret River only to turnaround two days later get on a plan heading to Indonesia.
Destination – Gili Islands, a 2-hour boat ride from Bali
Gili Islands
Purpose: To kick of the New Year right on a beach listening to a little reggae along with our two buddies Preston and Quentin. 
Quentin, Preston and Mike waiting for the sunset
Sunset at the Gilies
Mike chilling out
Following this a visit from two of our favorite Victorian friends Sean and Lisa stopped in on their way to Thailand!
A bit of a side note: whenever we end up in Victoria BC it is without fail we end up at these guys house and it goes without saying that at least a few bottles of wine are usually consumed and good eats are on the table. 
 Finally we were able to repay the favor.
Hanging out by the pool doing the usual
  As Sean and Lisa took off to Thailand that evening Jason and Corrie landed in Singapore and we all took a trip to Phi Phi Island in Thailand……

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