Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Introduction to "The Ladies"

Wikipedia defines a ‘Lady’ as:
a polite term for a woman, specifically the female equivalent to, or spouse of, a lord or gentleman, and in many contexts a term for any adult woman. Once relating specifically to women of high social class or status, over the last 300 years it has spread to embrace all adult women, though in some contexts may still be used to evoke a concept of ’lady-like’ standards of behavior.

I couldn’t agree more with this definition, but at the same time, I feel that Wikipedia glossed over a few vitally important notes.

For example – when one or more ‘ladies’ is present in a group. one should address the group as “Ladies” or amongst my social circle “The Ladies.”

“The Ladies” are a group of women who grew up together in a small rural town in British Columbia called Castlegar (in later years there have been one or two additions from outside the area, but these additions are rare and do not occur often). Most of “The Ladies” have known each other for an average of 15 years or more and, as these stories often go, some still remain in their hometown, some have married and some have even gone as far as to reproduce!  

Regardless, should an outing of two or more of “The Ladies” occur and you find yourself amongst their good graces, I highly recommend you sit back with a bottle of wine and enjoy. For  “The Ladies” are all well versed in the art of polite conversation, social etiquette and lady-like behaviour.

Note: This behaviour is by no means is limited to the confinements of British Columbia, although watching an artist perform in their home town should never be missed.

Last month I had the pleasure of having two of “The Ladies” come to visit.
Risha, Michelle & Jen - Bali 2011

Jen (aka: Jennifer, J-Mo, Jenny from the Block)
Jen recently ended a long-term relationship and decided she was done with the wet and dreary weather of Scotland and came to live on our couch for a month (incidentally this is not the first or even the second time Jen has lived on our couch, in fact one could go so far as to say that with Jen’s arrival, equilibrium, for a short time, was restored in the universe).

Note: The “Ladies” are always very honest and forthcoming with one another and will usually let another “Lady” know when they think that their choice in partners if he does not fall into the gentleman category, or if their actions fall out of line of the code of ethics, although the latter of the two rarely happens.   

Shortly following Jen’s arrival Michelle also came to play.

Michelle (aka: Michelle my bell, Mitch the Bitch and Captain Peg Leg) 
Michelle recently quit her job because, well she didn’t like it. After some time spent humming and hawing Michelle decided to try her luck in the land of Oz. Although her father (who I recently saw briefly in Singapore) has expressed his fear that Michelle will find an Aussie mate and never return, I have heard from reliable sources that it is not the Aussies that Michelle finds interesting but rather the Irish.

But, as a true “Lady” never gossips (except to another “Lady”), I will leave Michelle to share her own stories.

Below a brief look into the events that transpired on their visit.

As we have gotten older we have moved on
from beer to the finer things in life

Jen - Single and ready to mingle, a classy lady at
 her finest.
Smelling Michelle's new perfume. 
Mike's alter ego "Ante" emerging

Ante & Jen discussing the finer things in life.

F if I know.
As ladies we have many skills that we bring to the table.
Michelle and Jen decided to come to Singapore on a stop-over on their way to Australia. However, on arrival decided that a trip to Indonesia was first in order. Mike, having met the requirements of gentleman status was allowed to tag along while I went and met the two girls in Bali for a weekend.

A note on “Lady”-like behavior -“The Ladies” are known for making spontaneous and sudden movements. One wouldn’t go as far as to call them gypsies, but they do enjoy an adventure and sharing a good story.

Michelle showing us her mad prowling skills......

Sneak up.....
 As for the rest of “The Ladies”, they are a confident bunch and know who they are and therefore names do not need to be given. However should anymore of them further show up for a visit I’ll let you know.    

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