Sunday, July 11, 2010

Risha get's a job

It is with great excitement that today I announce that this blog will cease to be known as the “Lady of Leisure” blog. On Thursday, with the best tan of her life, Risha started her first day at Alpha Wines International (check out their online wine store

It was a good run for Risha as a lady of leisure, but every chapter must end. She will always have the memories… waking up at 9, having a relaxing coffee and getting caught up on the news… two hour work-outs in the gym… chilling out pool side with the expat moms…

I would be lying if I didn’t admit that Friday night when we both got home from work around 6 and Risha told me she was exhausted after her eight hour shift I was secretly thrilled.

Now that Risha is working I have promised her that I would try and help out with the day-to-day chores, duties and occasional blog posting. As Risha is no longer a lady of leisure the only question that remains is what to rename the blog???



  1. congrats, Risha (and Mike!) name..."working till 6" in Singapore....will keep brainstorming :)

  2. A slight modification on Aunt Moe's: "9 to 5 in Singapore..." Or perhaps, "Nobody here but us wine guzzling, number crunching, canuck fanatic foreigners."

  3. I'm gonna geek out on my suggestion... apparently Singapore's motto is: "Majulah Singapura" ... Malay for "Onward, Singapore". A potential title?

    Or, to make sure the leisure element remains:

    Onward! And Singapour me another drink!

    OK, now I should probably get back to the news. Or something.

    <3 M.

  4. You can always BBQ Mike!
